Event: FIRST Championship - Curie Division (2013)

Viewing results for 2013. Years available:

Event Info

Name FIRST Championship - Curie Division
Location St. Louis, MO
Date April 24 2013 - April 28 2013
Average OPR 35.46

OPR Distribution

Teams Attending

Number Nickname Rank OPR DPR
4814 United Robotics of London 3 18.55 9.13
1310 RUNNYMEDE ROBOTICS 5 82.90 52.24
3824 HVA RoHAWKtics 10 81.32 16.26
862 Lightning Robotics 12 67.80 51.43
435 Robodogs 23 44.81 32.67
1678 Citrus Circuits 1 42.84 20.05
1540 Flaming Chickens 30 19.20 20.63
67 The HOT Team 14 74.24 44.11
359 Hawaiian Kids 7 76.38 48.08
148 Robowranglers 16 79.22 37.42
4564 BREWER 8 40.43 11.70
1983 Skunkworks Robotics 2 67.18 19.06
234 Cyber Blue 17 52.15 32.04
2056 OP Community Robotics 4 83.74 18.37
1138 Eagle Engineering 11 36.67 -2.71
1559 Devil-Tech 26 35.69 24.72
1717 D'Penguineers 6 79.66 45.85
540 TALON 540 Godwin Robotics 44 11.19 29.79
4320 The Joker 42 49.40 47.12
230 Gaelhawks 32 59.89 53.11
4091 DRIFT 49 26.09 20.51
2936 Gatorzillas 15 38.55 29.12
967 Iron Lions 13 60.35 44.62
2168 Aluminum Falcons 38 54.40 13.61
1708 AMP'D Robotics 36 43.55 32.76
1503 Spartonics 57 36.56 28.13
4124 Integration By Parts 35 41.51 34.57
2145 HAZMATs 18 31.52 -8.46
2130 Alpha+ 40 33.21 23.19
3539 Byting Bulldogs 9 70.83 46.14
103 Cybersonics 21 67.36 42.60
2996 Cougars Gone Wired 43 59.29 48.67
2062 C.O.R.E 2062 63 19.14 23.97
233 The Pink Team 28 42.89 38.66
3138 Innovators Robotics 46 47.24 42.24
4516 BT Bots 65 14.39 27.59
1577 SteamPunk 34 28.09 26.28
4080 Team Reboot 61 40.25 42.98
2039 Rockford Robotics 22 43.13 18.59
399 Eagle Robotics 20 41.08 44.61
3414 Hackbots 33 36.76 45.15
3990 Tech for Kids/La techno. au service des jeunes 19 55.01 9.72
293 Team S.P.I.K.E. 24 62.69 48.91
1735 Green Reapers 53 20.62 15.96
1262 the STAGS 72 29.98 49.08
3489 Category 5 52 28.78 35.68
1706 Ratchet Rockers 47 49.53 45.04
1684 Chimeras 31 62.10 59.58
4063 TriKzR4Kidz 29 54.98 55.11
4125 Confidential 51 3.18 24.11
4523 Tigers 56 33.50 25.40
968 RAWC (Robotics Alliance Of West Covina) 71 22.87 22.28
4645 Ex Machina 39 8.58 26.34
4488 ShockWave 37 31.75 23.88
1816 "The Green Machine" 76 13.92 54.54
1290 Si Se Puede 81 34.44 45.14
193 MORT Beta 59 47.72 51.54
2638 Rebels 62 23.24 44.28
620 Warbots 60 30.93 46.89
1622 Team Spyder 58 15.91 42.14
1939 The Kuh-nig-its 84 42.94 68.21
4667 Synergy 86 -2.31 22.19
1918 NC GEARS 69 46.34 41.98
16 Bomb Squad 27 51.39 48.21
3061 Huskie Robotics 41 53.98 28.96
3239 Birds of Prey 87 17.95 42.13
1288 RAVEN Robotics 48 52.91 39.61
3410 MotoRobo 64 11.95 52.84
1923 The MidKnight Inventors 25 55.73 12.55
4761 Robocket 67 16.47 33.02
135 The Black Knights 66 26.96 28.60
2914 TIGER PRIDE 90 9.76 37.97
781 Kinetic Knights 73 19.17 46.41
120 Scarabian Knights 77 10.74 24.35
2489 The Insomniacs 45 47.14 60.72
3753 BulahBots! 50 47.98 22.52
3374 RoboBroncs 92 6.51 43.42
2910 Jack in the Bot 91 -1.51 53.15
1421 Team Chaos 79 51.67 74.78
4610 BearTecs 95 12.08 18.99
4646 Des Moines CoLab 78 14.42 5.84
1541 MidloCANics 80 50.92 63.50
2187 Team Volt 82 38.01 36.63
3387 Les Aigles d'Or 97 24.14 40.61
3660 Lightsabers 70 1.59 27.84
4543 Apollo Robotics 74 19.56 32.45
4464 EdisonKids 99 18.01 48.29
4576 Red Nation Robotics 100 15.41 28.69
1810 Jaguar Robotics 54 37.84 24.84
4159 CardinalBotics 68 28.07 54.09
2220 Blue Twilight 89 -5.05 43.08
3354 TecDroid 85 20.22 43.57
4122 O-Bots 98 10.92 40.46
2383 Ninjineers 55 25.96 23.32
2836 Team Beta 93 8.38 34.41
932 Circuit Chargers 88 14.15 52.88
4781 Robo Spartains 75 10.79 33.47
1306 BadgerBOTS 96 0.27 31.13
3926 MPArors 94 14.88 35.52
4716 Purple Raiders 83 10.89 49.15

Qualification Matches

Number Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Score Blue Score Link
1 1918 1622 1684 3824 1290 193 103 179 Info
2 968 148 862 540 3539 103 188 120 Info
3 4576 3387 4080 1421 3489 4610 81 92 Info
4 16 120 1559 1717 2996 2062 57 167 Info
5 2383 4646 1816 4464 1540 4761 55 57 Info
6 1708 4091 3926 2914 4523 781 75 33 Info
7 1939 135 3410 1288 2039 67 76 159 Info
8 2220 1577 1706 4320 3990 1678 51 164 Info
9 4543 3753 3660 1923 233 4645 73 83 Info
10 4781 1306 620 4159 4125 4488 37 72 Info
11 435 293 2130 932 1262 2168 143 85 Info
12 1810 359 967 4063 2489 3354 194 132 Info
13 1138 1735 1310 234 3414 4814 94 96 Info
14 2145 2936 1503 4564 2910 4122 105 28 Info
15 230 2187 4716 3138 4124 1983 104 116 Info
16 1541 3374 2836 2056 3061 4516 45 171 Info
17 4667 2638 1717 399 3239 3539 91 148 Info
18 4159 3926 1421 3824 1706 16 88 231 Info
19 2168 3410 148 1684 233 4125 165 69 Info
20 3990 193 4781 4091 2996 2383 92 104 Info
21 1540 4320 1310 620 2039 4645 122 94 Info
22 4646 2220 4610 1262 2145 120 33 78 Info
23 1559 1918 540 932 4464 1306 132 40 Info
24 4080 4124 4122 2836 967 2914 112 63 Info
25 4488 4523 103 3387 1541 135 131 107 Info
26 3414 2910 1923 3061 230 4667 80 117 Info
27 1577 2489 2130 3239 2062 2187 103 81 Info
28 4576 435 1708 1138 3138 1290 118 109 Info
29 3660 1810 399 1983 2936 4814 80 128 Info
30 3374 4063 1503 4716 968 1288 113 78 Info
31 4761 2638 3354 1622 862 234 68 134 Info
32 4516 781 293 67 1816 3753 95 170 Info
33 4564 1678 2056 3489 1735 4543 158 37 Info
34 359 540 3387 1939 120 4122 116 74 Info
35 3824 3539 1310 2489 4523 1306 231 91 Info
36 2836 233 1290 2039 1717 932 97 128 Info
37 2062 4488 3660 4646 3990 1421 59 109 Info
38 1983 2914 16 1541 3239 4781 135 88 Info
39 967 2168 620 3374 1923 862 158 113 Info
40 1288 2130 4159 148 4610 230 94 142 Info
41 1262 1735 2910 3354 3753 2383 98 86 Info
42 3061 4091 2220 3489 135 1503 77 120 Info
43 1678 435 2936 3414 4716 3926 112 46 Info
44 4645 67 1706 3138 2638 193 155 146 Info
45 234 1816 359 399 1559 1708 130 112 Info
46 968 4124 4320 1918 4516 4543 78 65 Info
47 4080 1540 4814 2056 3410 2187 134 122 Info
48 4464 4667 1939 4564 1138 1684 74 169 Info
49 1577 1622 103 2145 1810 293 95 80 Info
50 4125 4761 4063 2996 781 4576 107 101 Info
51 1290 2220 148 2910 1983 1310 123 138 Info
52 1421 2914 2168 230 1503 1678 124 133 Info
53 1541 2383 2130 620 1717 3660 117 122 Info
54 3414 4488 3354 1918 1708 4645 89 104 Info
55 1262 4080 2062 399 3824 540 88 129 Info
56 1706 4781 4646 4814 1939 233 67 107 Info
57 4716 4159 3387 1540 4543 293 76 124 Info
58 1622 3990 3489 1559 4063 4516 94 99 Info
59 135 1810 4761 3753 2056 4667 61 100 Info
60 103 781 3374 2187 4610 4122 98 64 Info
61 1816 1306 16 1138 1577 2039 29 146 Info
62 3926 932 1288 4564 359 3239 90 140 Info
63 2145 862 4320 435 4091 2489 163 119 Info
64 3138 967 234 968 4464 3061 128 103 Info
65 4125 193 2936 1735 120 3539 55 94 Info
66 2996 2638 4523 3410 2836 1923 122 65 Info
67 67 1684 540 4576 4124 1503 138 108 Info
68 4488 1559 1983 3374 4543 2383 116 54 Info
69 2914 233 2187 1918 4063 4667 110 93 Info
70 1810 16 620 781 3990 1290 96 102 Info
71 2910 4610 3239 1306 1708 2168 13 87 Info
72 230 1541 1939 1310 967 4091 157 225 Info
73 4159 2039 3539 2056 3414 359 140 183 Info
74 1717 4646 4516 1735 4080 135 99 65 Info
75 4576 1540 932 4523 1706 3354 37 92 Info
76 4564 3410 862 2130 3061 193 131 119 Info
77 2062 2836 1684 4716 4645 103 99 85 Info
78 3387 4464 2996 148 399 1678 100 153 Info
79 3138 1816 2936 1622 4320 1262 120 97 Info
80 1421 4122 1577 234 1288 435 86 151 Info
81 4814 3824 1923 4761 2220 67 148 52 Info
82 3753 2638 120 4781 1138 4124 85 113 Info
83 2489 293 968 4125 3489 3926 117 49 Info
84 3660 4523 3239 2145 193 3414 63 136 Info
85 1559 1735 230 233 103 620 162 131 Info
86 4645 1290 4667 4080 4091 2168 24 74 Info
87 4464 4576 4543 1262 2039 1541 54 111 Info
88 3138 1503 4516 2062 862 1540 78 93 Info
89 2996 1918 4716 1310 67 2130 107 221 Info
90 4814 4564 135 1577 4610 2914 77 62 Info
91 968 1306 2836 1939 435 2220 42 66 Info
92 2187 1708 3387 4125 2638 3824 92 99 Info
93 148 3489 1138 3660 4761 359 130 60 Info
94 3374 120 4320 3926 1810 234 77 122 Info
95 4124 2145 4063 16 1678 4488 105 136 Info
96 1923 3539 932 4781 4122 1684 154 76 Info
97 3990 2056 2489 1816 2910 1288 198 55 Info
98 3061 399 3753 4159 4646 1622 128 80 Info
99 2383 293 967 3410 2936 1706 138 97 Info
100 1717 1983 3354 781 1421 540 180 108 Info
101 2220 2039 4125 862 3660 1918 56 104 Info
102 3824 435 2914 4645 2996 359 141 152 Info
103 4464 1735 1290 2638 4488 1577 71 77 Info
104 4091 4122 3239 4716 1138 1559 38 93 Info
105 67 3990 1708 1540 1262 148 172 115 Info
106 1816 230 3926 3539 4063 4814 86 138 Info
107 2489 1541 4646 3410 4667 4124 105 84 Info
108 234 4516 932 2383 103 16 117 175 Info
109 1678 1310 1717 3138 293 3374 183 153 Info
110 3489 2910 4320 1684 4523 4159 75 137 Info
111 4564 2836 3414 4576 2187 3753 95 78 Info
112 120 1421 233 1622 135 967 127 102 Info
113 4610 1939 1503 4761 193 1983 83 154 Info
114 2056 4781 781 399 968 2130 128 93 Info
115 1923 1810 1306 2062 1706 3387 125 57 Info
116 2145 4543 1288 620 4080 3354 116 62 Info
117 3061 540 2996 2936 2168 1577 113 125 Info
118 230 3410 1138 3824 932 3374 77 71 Info
119 3660 1735 3138 2836 4667 3926 86 29 Info
120 103 4125 359 67 1421 4464 171 112 Info
121 967 4814 4159 1559 2638 1503 79 75 Info
122 2039 4063 4564 4646 4523 234 123 103 Info
123 781 1262 3239 1923 1310 135 52 192 Info
124 2056 4716 1717 1939 862 4488 193 143 Info
125 4645 4781 148 4516 2489 4576 94 74 Info
126 233 3539 293 4080 1708 4320 195 157 Info
127 4091 4761 2910 2130 16 4543 63 110 Info
128 2936 1684 2187 3354 3990 1541 164 144 Info
129 1918 2062 4122 620 1678 3753 96 157 Info
130 540 193 1540 1810 2220 1288 64 115 Info
131 399 3489 2145 2914 1290 1306 126 38 Info
132 3061 4124 1706 1816 435 4610 153 78 Info
133 1983 1622 3414 968 3387 2168 143 129 Info
134 2383 3824 2039 120 2489 2836 137 65 Info

Quaterfinals Matches

Number Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Score Blue Score Link
1 148 1678 862 103 4564 2168 147 94 Info
2 967 2056 3990 1684 1310 3824 154 156 Info
3 2996 3539 1983 233 16 359 197 147 Info
4 4814 1918 67 135 234 1717 210 148 Info
5 1678 148 862 103 2168 4564 169 72 Info
6 967 2056 3990 1310 3824 1684 207 144 Info
7 1983 2996 3539 359 16 233 142 127 Info
8 1918 67 4814 135 1717 234 172 143 Info
10 3990 967 2056 1310 1684 3824 185 109 Info

Semifinals Matches

Number Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Score Blue Score Link
13 862 1678 148 3990 2056 967 144 198 Info
14 1983 3539 2996 1918 4814 67 90 190 Info
15 148 1678 862 2056 967 3990 193 186 Info
16 1983 3539 1138 4814 1918 67 101 145 Info
17 862 148 1678 967 2056 3990 165 158 Info

Finals Matches

Number Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Score Blue Score Link
19 862 148 1678 4814 67 1918 0 186 Info
20 862 1678 148 67 1918 4814 147 73 Info
21 148 1678 862 4814 67 1918 169 145 Info