Event: Greater Toronto East Regional, Team #4334


Nickname Alberta Tech Alliance ( ATA)
OPR 13.496
DPR 15.635
Rank 13
Matches Played 10

Matches Played

Number Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Score Blue Score
57 1815 3386 4334 3387 610 3985 18 23
47 1246 3988 4334 907 3117 3360 14 16
50 2626 610 4334 1404 1246 1241 44 34
11 2056 4334 188 548 1547 1114 64 31
6 2056 3386 4252 2994 4334 1219 52 37
40 1114 2809 1325 3705 4334 1404 29 10
20 1075 2626 1815 4334 1221 4248 23 10
14 4252 188 1221 4334 2185 2852 48 74
34 3550 2625 1241 4252 4334 1547 24 14
14 610 3360 188 4334 2852 4252 84 19
26 781 2198 2852 4334 4307 3360 44 14
8 1815 2185 2625 4334 2852 4252 20 50
4 1815 2185 2625 4334 2852 4252 11 58
16 188 3360 610 2852 4252 4334 74 29

Teams Played With

Number Nickname OPR DPR
1815 Black Scots 0.041 0.248
3386 Tornades 7.783 14.475
4334 Alberta Tech Alliance ( ATA) 13.496 15.635
1246 Agincourt Lancers 4.633 3.153
3988 Scarabot -2.597 6.931
2626 Evolution 12.195 12.954
610 The Coyotes 18.848 9.192
2056 OP Community Robotics 36.615 9.514
188 Blizzard 16.972 9.988
2994 ASTECHZ 7.009 5.892
1219 Iron Eagles 8.642 5.572
3705 Arrowbots 2.247 7.076
1404 Shocks 4.510 6.564
1221 Nerdbotics -1.728 15.074
4248 Bits & Pieces -0.967 6.929
2185 RAMAZOIDZ 10.362 16.689
2852 DM High Voltage 23.146 8.282
4252 BASE 8.150 8.883
1547 Where's Waldo? 7.896 9.798
4307 Trojan Thunderbolts 2.087 0.895
3360 Hyperion -1.801 9.544

Teams Played Against

Number Nickname OPR DPR
3387 Les Aigles d'Or 3.908 5.701
610 The Coyotes 18.848 9.192
3985 Sonic Howl -1.612 8.708
907 East York Cybernetics "The Cybernauts" 16.920 7.687
3117 Harfangs 4.229 7.517
3360 Hyperion -1.801 9.544
1404 Shocks 4.510 6.564
1246 Agincourt Lancers 4.633 3.153
1241 THEORY6 13.951 7.175
548 Robostangs 9.815 16.457
1547 Where's Waldo? 7.896 9.798
1114 Simbotics 24.079 3.798
2056 OP Community Robotics 36.615 9.514
3386 Tornades 7.783 14.475
4252 BASE 8.150 8.883
2809 K-Botics 3.678 2.458
1325 Inverse Paradox -1.241 6.322
1075 Sprockets 1.996 4.200
2626 Evolution 12.195 12.954
1815 Black Scots 0.041 0.248
188 Blizzard 16.972 9.988
1221 Nerdbotics -1.728 15.074
3550 Robotronix 1.593 6.417
2625 ARC Robotics 3.556 -3.217
781 Kinetic Knights 4.916 -0.368
2198 Paradigm Shift 4.681 7.295
2852 DM High Voltage 23.146 8.282
2185 RAMAZOIDZ 10.362 16.689
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