Event: Waterloo Regional, Team #2702


Nickname REBotics
OPR 1.893
DPR 1.840
Rank 17
Matches Played 11
Seeding Score 134.0
Coopertition Bonus 28.0
Hanging Points 2.0

Matches Played

Number Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Score Blue Score
45 2185 1535 2702 2609 1310 1000 4 11
47 3190 1246 2702 1565 1535 610 1 4
30 2702 3396 2056 2361 854 781 9 1
12 2386 2702 1565 1075 1219 3396 3 3
52 2702 1219 610 1246 2386 1000 10 2
19 2702 1000 2505 3396 2625 610 5 4
22 1305 1535 2200 2361 771 2702 8 1
33 3161 843 1219 854 772 2702 7 6
6 610 1535 3161 843 2702 781 0 4
9 1565 1334 2185 1114 781 2702 2 10
15 1114 296 2056 781 843 2702 11 3
5 1114 3190 2505 3161 2702 1334 7 2
2 1535 3161 610 843 781 2702 2 8
13 1114 2056 296 843 781 2702 17 5
40 781 1535 2056 1503 2702 843 12 9

Teams Played With

Number Nickname OPR DPR
2185 RAMAZOIDZ -0.515 1.054
1535 Knights of Alloy 0.376 2.632
2702 REBotics 1.893 1.840
3190 Mecha-51 1.276 1.756
1246 Agincourt Lancers -0.311 1.682
3396 Imperium Machinamentum 2.216 3.465
2056 OP Community Robotics 7.961 2.452
2386 Trojans 0.705 1.008
1565 Think Tank Technologies (T3) 0.604 0.675
1219 Iron Eagles 1.025 0.731
610 The Coyotes 3.294 1.782
1000 Cybearcats 2.019 1.297
2505 The Electric Sheep 0.089 1.668
2361 PACE Invaders -0.214 2.675
771 SWAT 0.010 1.244
854 The Iron Bears 0.657 3.164
772 Sabre Bytes 1.460 1.221
843 Wildcats 1.869 3.355
781 Kinetic Knights 1.234 0.515
1114 Simbotics 9.284 0.390
3161 Tronic Titans 1.955 2.069
1334 Red Devils 1.328 3.030
1503 Spartonics 2.849 2.891

Teams Played Against

Number Nickname OPR DPR
2609 BeaverwörX 0.191 1.340
1310 RUNNYMEDE ROBOTICS 2.487 1.979
1000 Cybearcats 2.019 1.297
1565 Think Tank Technologies (T3) 0.604 0.675
1535 Knights of Alloy 0.376 2.632
610 The Coyotes 3.294 1.782
2361 PACE Invaders -0.214 2.675
854 The Iron Bears 0.657 3.164
781 Kinetic Knights 1.234 0.515
1075 Sprockets -0.489 2.927
1219 Iron Eagles 1.025 0.731
3396 Imperium Machinamentum 2.216 3.465
1246 Agincourt Lancers -0.311 1.682
2386 Trojans 0.705 1.008
2625 ARC Robotics 0.540 0.444
1305 Ice Cubed 3.750 -0.479
2200 MMRambotics 2.130 0.085
3161 Tronic Titans 1.955 2.069
843 Wildcats 1.869 3.355
1334 Red Devils 1.328 3.030
2185 RAMAZOIDZ -0.515 1.054
1114 Simbotics 9.284 0.390
296 Northern Knights -0.038 0.742
2056 OP Community Robotics 7.961 2.452
3190 Mecha-51 1.276 1.756
2505 The Electric Sheep 0.089 1.668
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