Event: St. Louis Regional, Team #2902


Nickname NYACK
OPR -0.639
DPR 0.874
Rank 35
Matches Played 11
Seeding Score 56.0
Coopertition Bonus 4.0
Hanging Points 4.0

Matches Played

Number Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Score Blue Score
32 1706 501 2902 2177 3284 1444 5 4
6 2902 2775 624 1658 2177 1094 1 1
18 2902 2457 1178 2408 1985 2838 0 3
22 2902 1444 279 1329 2978 1098 0 7
65 2902 1288 1806 2219 2457 1448 7 1
9 3330 624 1806 2902 1985 1756 3 0
30 2164 3330 1288 2902 2893 2014 3 0
67 1444 3397 1182 2408 2902 2177 3 2
42 2917 2014 1208 2902 1329 1658 3 2
51 3284 2917 501 2902 931 3410 3 2
58 1985 3410 1098 3330 2219 2902 5 0
36 2014 931 501 3186 2902 2838 4 2

Teams Played With

Number Nickname OPR DPR
1706 Ratchet Rockers 2.149 1.007
501 The PowerKnights 2.194 0.921
2902 NYACK -0.639 0.874
2775 Jackson Area Robotics 3.788 1.522
624 CRyptonite 1.686 -0.425
2457 The Law 0.478 1.956
1178 DuRT (De Smet united Robotics Team) 0.194 1.774
1444 The Lightning Lancers 0.081 2.199
279 Tech Fusion 0.500 1.855
1288 RAVEN Robotics 2.659 0.023
1806 S.W.A.T. 3.402 1.126
1985 Robohawks 1.069 0.786
1756 Argos 0.646 0.771
2893 Parkway North Robohobos -0.174 1.504
2014 Spartans 0.602 2.421
2408 Shrapnel Sergeants 0.419 0.146
2177 The Robettes 1.171 2.534
1329 ROBOREBELS 1.141 0.897
1658 Tech Heads 0.518 0.497
931 Perpetual Chaos 1.104 1.662
3410 MotoRobo 1.302 0.738
3330 System of the Corn -0.184 2.099
2219 Megahurts 0.053 2.065
3186 DECAbotz 2.051 0.194
2838 Eaglebots 1.813 1.240

Teams Played Against

Number Nickname OPR DPR
2177 The Robettes 1.171 2.534
3284 Camdenton 4H LASER Team 1.597 1.061
1444 The Lightning Lancers 0.081 2.199
1658 Tech Heads 0.518 0.497
1094 Channel Cats 1.586 0.999
2408 Shrapnel Sergeants 0.419 0.146
1985 Robohawks 1.069 0.786
2838 Eaglebots 1.813 1.240
1329 ROBOREBELS 1.141 0.897
2978 Cavaliers 1.180 1.074
1098 Rockwood Robotics "Rock-Bots" 2.625 1.373
2219 Megahurts 0.053 2.065
2457 The Law 0.478 1.956
1448 Parsons Vikings 0.085 1.901
3330 System of the Corn -0.184 2.099
624 CRyptonite 1.686 -0.425
1806 S.W.A.T. 3.402 1.126
2164 FIRST Team 2164 The Corps 0.052 0.349
1288 RAVEN Robotics 2.659 0.023
3397 Robo-Lions 1.113 2.157
1182 Patriots 2.145 0.455
2917 Woodward RoboDogs -0.489 2.495
2014 Spartans 0.602 2.421
1208 Metool Brigade 5.082 0.750
501 The PowerKnights 2.194 0.921
3410 MotoRobo 1.302 0.738
931 Perpetual Chaos 1.104 1.662
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