Event: Colorado Regional, Team #624


Nickname CRyptonite
OPR 45.210
DPR 3.150
Rank 3
Matches Played 10

Matches Played

Number Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Score Blue Score
59 2036 1410 624 2352 3315 1332 65 20
39 2240 624 3807 3648 1339 3403 36 14
19 1986 2972 624 1619 3648 2036 72 14
20 624 1986 2972 1619 2036 3648 83 33
5 1986 2972 624 1410 443 1245 64 0
23 624 1691 1977 3510 1799 3807 63 0
14 1619 624 1303 2240 2036 2275 33 18
13 2972 624 1986 1158 3729 1515 80 27
15 2972 1986 624 1158 3729 1515 92 30
1 2972 1986 624 1410 1245 443 112 0
75 2945 2859 2711 624 1799 1332 1 80
35 1361 2945 1986 499 3643 624 62 53
49 3200 3729 1977 3648 2083 624 4 51
26 1158 1691 3354 624 1789 3315 6 21
67 1303 1377 1245 1157 2859 624 0 80
7 3703 1348 1619 624 2259 1515 35 60

Teams Played With

Number Nickname OPR DPR
2036 The Black Knights 1.879 -10.486
1410 GWHS Robotics 10.026 8.832
624 CRyptonite 45.210 3.150
2240 Brute Force -5.599 13.270
3807 Blazerbots -1.161 10.698
1986 Team Titanium 57.539 4.667
2972 RC Dawson 1.429 8.397
1691 EaglesBots -3.867 2.494
1977 Loveland High Robotics 6.197 9.315
1619 Up-A-Creek Robotics 24.706 8.381
1303 WYOHAZARD -1.538 12.190
1799 predators 3.564 9.013
1332 Swift 20.988 3.740
499 Toltechs -1.406 15.701
3643 Thunderbots -2.715 0.969
3648 Sparta Robotica -0.929 -4.605
2083 Team BLITZ 2.411 9.927
1789 Cliffhangers -4.781 -6.079
3315 Mountaineers -0.924 22.546
1157 Landsharks 14.777 15.644
2859 Blasterbots 2.456 3.318
2259 1/4 Twenties -0.720 0.564
1515 MorTorq 26.536 3.074

Teams Played Against

Number Nickname OPR DPR
2352 Metal Mayhem 13.014 23.845
3315 Mountaineers -0.924 22.546
1332 Swift 20.988 3.740
3648 Sparta Robotica -0.929 -4.605
1339 AngelBotics 4.705 18.595
3403 Cyber Wolf Robotics 7.665 -4.150
1619 Up-A-Creek Robotics 24.706 8.381
2036 The Black Knights 1.879 -10.486
1410 GWHS Robotics 10.026 8.832
443 Freelance Robotics 1.121 -5.155
1245 MoHi Shazbots 0.780 4.766
3510 Tectronic -0.909 8.341
1799 predators 3.564 9.013
3807 Blazerbots -1.161 10.698
2240 Brute Force -5.599 13.270
2275 Bello Bots 10.472 12.661
1158 The Corps 16.226 8.706
3729 The Raiders 11.627 17.133
1515 MorTorq 26.536 3.074
2945 B.A.N.G. 6.401 22.462
2859 Blasterbots 2.456 3.318
2711 Centaurus Robotics 1.704 20.397
1361 Nightmare Robotics 5.311 9.148
1986 Team Titanium 57.539 4.667
3200 Raptacon -1.653 0.345
1977 Loveland High Robotics 6.197 9.315
1691 EaglesBots -3.867 2.494
3354 TecDroid 7.754 10.275
1303 WYOHAZARD -1.538 12.190
1377 Adams 12 Aliens 2.684 10.338
3703 MechSperts 0.292 15.158
1348 Electric Anarchy 4.485 1.439
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