Event: Colorado Regional, Team #662


Nickname Rocky Mountain Robotics
OPR 0.845
DPR 0.089
Rank 8
Matches Played 9
Seeding Score 77.0
Coopertition Bonus 26.0
Hanging Points 2.0

Matches Played

Number Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Score Blue Score
58 662 1799 2972 159 2711 2261 2 5
25 2996 3198 662 2259 2859 1332 4 1
51 1357 662 2250 2275 1691 399 2 3
5 662 3200 2036 3403 443 1584 1 0
48 662 2711 2275 1619 2240 1789 0 0
16 662 1303 1817 2945 1540 3333 0 4
39 1303 1410 1158 1592 662 2083 3 6
32 1619 1245 2945 662 2259 1361 0 2
2 1584 1540 2036 1583 662 159 9 0
62 3333 2996 1339 1410 1348 662 0 3
12 1584 1817 2250 1583 662 1619 1 1
6 1584 1540 2036 159 662 1583 8 0

Teams Played With

Number Nickname OPR DPR
662 Rocky Mountain Robotics 0.845 0.089
1799 predators 0.411 0.925
2972 RC Dawson -0.196 1.183
2996 Cougars Gone Wired 0.722 1.393
3198 Robotomy -0.276 0.894
1357 High Voltage 0.463 0.937
2250 Lancerbotics -0.554 1.556
3200 Raptacon 0.272 -1.163
2036 The Black Knights 1.962 0.978
2711 Centaurus Robotics 0.047 0.608
2275 Bello Bots 0.696 0.818
1303 WYOHAZARD 0.124 1.198
1817 Llano Estacado RoboRaiders 0.459 0.621
1592 Bionic Tigers 5.107 0.358
2083 Team BLITZ 0.440 0.287
2259 1/4 Twenties -0.473 0.239
1361 Nightmare Robotics 0.411 0.762
1583 Ridge View Academy Rambotics -0.025 1.553
159 Alpine Robotics 1.035 0.273
1410 GWHS Robotics 0.260 1.662
1348 Electric Anarchy 0.684 1.346
1619 Up-A-Creek Robotics 2.019 -0.042

Teams Played Against

Number Nickname OPR DPR
159 Alpine Robotics 1.035 0.273
2711 Centaurus Robotics 0.047 0.608
2261 RoboAztecas 1.639 1.635
2259 1/4 Twenties -0.473 0.239
2859 Blasterbots 0.048 1.898
1332 Swift -0.321 1.623
2275 Bello Bots 0.696 0.818
1691 EaglesBots 0.363 0.901
399 Eagle Robotics 2.093 0.072
3403 Cyber Wolf Robotics 1.004 1.370
443 Freelance Robotics 0.510 -0.535
1584 Pirates 1.407 -0.350
1619 Up-A-Creek Robotics 2.019 -0.042
2240 Brute Force 0.589 1.495
1789 Cliffhangers -1.153 -0.228
2945 B.A.N.G. 0.386 0.429
1540 Flaming Chickens 2.663 0.288
3333 Cougars 0.446 -0.333
1303 WYOHAZARD 0.124 1.198
1410 GWHS Robotics 0.260 1.662
1158 The Corps 3.614 0.495
1245 MoHi Shazbots 0.568 1.692
2036 The Black Knights 1.962 0.978
2996 Cougars Gone Wired 0.722 1.393
1339 AngelBotics 0.542 0.696
1817 Llano Estacado RoboRaiders 0.459 0.621
2250 Lancerbotics -0.554 1.556
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