Event: Colorado Regional, Team #1584


Nickname Pirates
OPR 1.407
DPR -0.350
Rank 21
Matches Played 9
Seeding Score 60.0
Coopertition Bonus 16.0
Hanging Points 0.0

Matches Played

Number Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Score Blue Score
36 1584 1339 2275 2945 3198 159 0 0
33 1584 3198 1377 1158 1691 2711 0 2
2 1584 1540 2036 1583 662 159 9 0
19 2036 1540 1584 2240 1158 1619 11 4
46 1357 1584 1691 2996 1348 2259 3 1
12 1584 1817 2250 1583 662 1619 1 1
6 1584 1540 2036 159 662 1583 8 0
20 2036 1584 1540 2240 1158 1619 9 5
18 2250 2259 2083 1789 2711 1584 0 2
23 2240 2261 1977 1158 1245 1584 2 11
17 399 1592 1977 1584 2036 1540 2 11
49 3333 2859 2083 1584 1361 3200 1 2
5 662 3200 2036 3403 443 1584 1 0
15 1977 1592 399 1584 1540 2036 3 6
13 1592 399 1977 1540 1584 2036 7 3
60 1157 1332 399 2259 1303 1584 1 0

Teams Played With

Number Nickname OPR DPR
1584 Pirates 1.407 -0.350
1339 AngelBotics 0.542 0.696
2275 Bello Bots 0.696 0.818
3198 Robotomy -0.276 0.894
1377 Adams 12 Aliens -0.281 1.290
1540 Flaming Chickens 2.663 0.288
2036 The Black Knights 1.962 0.978
1357 High Voltage 0.463 0.937
1691 EaglesBots 0.363 0.901
1817 Llano Estacado RoboRaiders 0.459 0.621
2250 Lancerbotics -0.554 1.556
1789 Cliffhangers -1.153 -0.228
2711 Centaurus Robotics 0.047 0.608
1158 The Corps 3.614 0.495
1245 MoHi Shazbots 0.568 1.692
1361 Nightmare Robotics 0.411 0.762
3200 Raptacon 0.272 -1.163
3403 Cyber Wolf Robotics 1.004 1.370
443 Freelance Robotics 0.510 -0.535
2259 1/4 Twenties -0.473 0.239
1303 WYOHAZARD 0.124 1.198

Teams Played Against

Number Nickname OPR DPR
2945 B.A.N.G. 0.386 0.429
3198 Robotomy -0.276 0.894
159 Alpine Robotics 1.035 0.273
1158 The Corps 3.614 0.495
1691 EaglesBots 0.363 0.901
2711 Centaurus Robotics 0.047 0.608
1583 Ridge View Academy Rambotics -0.025 1.553
662 Rocky Mountain Robotics 0.845 0.089
2240 Brute Force 0.589 1.495
1619 Up-A-Creek Robotics 2.019 -0.042
2996 Cougars Gone Wired 0.722 1.393
1348 Electric Anarchy 0.684 1.346
2259 1/4 Twenties -0.473 0.239
2250 Lancerbotics -0.554 1.556
2083 Team BLITZ 0.440 0.287
2261 RoboAztecas 1.639 1.635
1977 Loveland High Robotics 0.504 0.538
399 Eagle Robotics 2.093 0.072
1592 Bionic Tigers 5.107 0.358
3333 Cougars 0.446 -0.333
2859 Blasterbots 0.048 1.898
3200 Raptacon 0.272 -1.163
2036 The Black Knights 1.962 0.978
1157 Landsharks 0.492 0.089
1332 Swift -0.321 1.623
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