Event: WPI Regional, Team #529


Nickname The Mansfield Hornets
OPR -0.494
DPR 1.273
Rank 24
Matches Played 12
Seeding Score 69.0
Coopertition Bonus 16.0
Hanging Points 2.0

Matches Played

Number Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Score Blue Score
16 20 529 1124 2523 195 663 0 3
43 348 230 529 20 571 663 2 0
48 529 2079 839 716 2877 571 1 1
28 2104 529 663 1687 2621 358 0 3
11 529 2523 2370 3205 1124 3125 2 0
37 529 1124 3280 2104 358 20 1 2
21 571 1687 3125 172 529 1735 2 3
57 172 2877 2621 1687 529 1735 3 1
4 348 1124 3273 529 190 1687 0 0
34 190 230 2877 228 529 2791 9 2
51 1995 2791 20 195 172 529 5 3
7 2791 172 3205 3273 529 157 1 1

Teams Played With

Number Nickname OPR DPR
20 The Rocketeers 1.652 0.076
529 The Mansfield Hornets -0.494 1.273
1124 ÜberBots 0.150 0.285
348 Norwell Robotics 0.261 0.010
230 Gaelhawks 3.172 0.050
2079 ALARM -0.108 0.445
839 Rosie Robotics -0.148 1.750
2104 The Colonels 0.542 1.065
663 Robonauts 0.051 0.636
2523 Angry Nerds 0.510 -0.406
2370 iBots 2.062 -0.030
3280 RhodeRebels 1.596 -0.089
172 Northern Force 1.085 0.172
1735 Green Reapers 2.556 0.856
1687 Doherty Technical Forces -0.022 0.964
190 Gompei and the H.E.R.D. 2.069 0.105
228 GUS Robotics 0.244 0.985
2791 Shaker Robotics 1.199 1.591
195 Cyber Knights 1.662 0.370
3273 Cybercats 0.133 0.624
157 AZTECHS 157 -0.503 1.986

Teams Played Against

Number Nickname OPR DPR
2523 Angry Nerds 0.510 -0.406
195 Cyber Knights 1.662 0.370
663 Robonauts 0.051 0.636
20 The Rocketeers 1.652 0.076
571 Team Paragon -0.746 0.133
716 Who'sCTEKS -0.503 1.439
2877 Ligerbots 1.068 1.636
1687 Doherty Technical Forces -0.022 0.964
2621 Bucs 1.314 0.389
358 Robotic Eagles 0.780 0.734
3205 Patriots 0.385 2.007
1124 ÜberBots 0.150 0.285
3125 Pirates of the Pythagorean 1.042 1.472
2104 The Colonels 0.542 1.065
172 Northern Force 1.085 0.172
348 Norwell Robotics 0.261 0.010
3273 Cybercats 0.133 0.624
190 Gompei and the H.E.R.D. 2.069 0.105
230 Gaelhawks 3.172 0.050
1995 Fatal Error 0.739 1.221
2791 Shaker Robotics 1.199 1.591
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