Event: Traverse City FIRST Robotics District Competition, Team #2245


OPR 3.497
DPR 10.375
Rank 31
Matches Played 12

Matches Played

Number Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Score Blue Score
3 835 201 2245 3617 1711 2771 3 0
27 2245 857 3771 1076 141 3602 1 15
12 141 2245 1711 74 3639 1596 2 6
18 3618 123 2245 3458 2246 904 1 0
73 3602 1596 2245 2767 66 3772 1 36
39 2245 1896 85 3357 2586 3618 0 1
76 2245 2767 2145 3357 3767 201 65 39
67 2474 3639 85 2245 3537 2619 34 29
33 2767 3688 3537 2245 830 3617 30 2
47 2959 857 2145 815 2245 2586 34 1
59 2611 904 910 247 2474 2245 22 35
52 2000 247 3639 1076 2245 3458 24 0

Teams Played With

Number Nickname OPR DPR
835 The Sting 2.126 15.999
201 The FEDS 23.178 0.144
2245 PANTHERS 3.497 10.375
857 Superior Roboworks 3.670 0.831
3771 Yooper Troopers 0.317 14.582
141 WO-BOT 6.078 3.084
1711 Raptors -0.427 6.301
3618 Petoskey Paladins 0.830 -0.962
123 Team - Cosmos 0.444 7.560
3602 RoboMos 5.745 10.031
1596 The Instigators -6.052 2.843
1896 Concussive Engineers -4.012 4.862
85 B.O.B. (Built on Brains) 5.383 1.048
2767 Stryke Force 13.790 6.922
2145 HAZMATs 16.626 2.075
3537 Delta Force 6.584 0.927
2619 The Charge 8.018 3.447
830 Rat Pack 4.092 6.991
3617 Cold Logic 1.531 0.982
815 Advanced Power -2.467 2.536
2586 Copper Bots 5.056 8.382
247 Da Bears 0.075 -3.028
2474 Excel 11.255 9.475
1076 Pi Hi Samurai -2.977 2.558
3458 Code Blue -0.831 8.913

Teams Played Against

Number Nickname OPR DPR
3617 Cold Logic 1.531 0.982
1711 Raptors -0.427 6.301
2771 Code Red Robotics / Stray Dogs 2.783 -0.373
1076 Pi Hi Samurai -2.977 2.558
141 WO-BOT 6.078 3.084
3602 RoboMos 5.745 10.031
74 Team C.H.A.O.S. 10.508 15.755
3639 Cogs 3.257 2.243
1596 The Instigators -6.052 2.843
3458 Code Blue -0.831 8.913
2246 The Army of Sum 14.889 9.224
904 D cubed -2.386 11.425
2767 Stryke Force 13.790 6.922
66 The Flyers 7.936 -2.758
3772 DITEC ARME 1.747 3.346
3357 COMETS -4.898 6.332
2586 Copper Bots 5.056 8.382
3618 Petoskey Paladins 0.830 -0.962
3767 Toxic Bots 2.458 11.250
201 The FEDS 23.178 0.144
2474 Excel 11.255 9.475
85 B.O.B. (Built on Brains) 5.383 1.048
3688 Norsemen 6.042 -1.476
3537 Delta Force 6.584 0.927
2959 Robotarians 13.751 3.640
857 Superior Roboworks 3.670 0.831
2145 HAZMATs 16.626 2.075
2611 Jacktown Vectors 9.701 5.048
910 The Foley Freeze 7.903 25.796
2000 TEAM ROCK 16.877 5.138
247 Da Bears 0.075 -3.028
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