Event: South Florida Regional, Team #4052


Nickname WolfTrack
OPR 9.052
DPR 5.279
Rank 18
Matches Played 11

Matches Played

Number Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Score Blue Score
56 3520 4379 4052 168 1369 4341 30 14
32 4052 1872 3932 3580 3627 4379 19 3
74 3164 4052 4088 1251 3410 2425 3 27
69 1557 59 4052 1592 744 1872 8 34
21 1902 4052 3627 386 79 179 21 39
3 4224 4341 4052 2425 3653 4013 6 3
37 59 3992 4118 665 4052 190 24 30
10 348 1735 190 386 4184 4052 17 13
63 3520 801 4088 1523 744 4052 37 53
26 3938 108 3732 1369 348 4052 14 29
47 180 3164 1902 4052 3992 1065 80 50

Teams Played With

Number Nickname OPR DPR
3520 RoboColts 5.007 13.753
4379 Greased Lightning 0.348 9.208
4052 WolfTrack 9.052 5.279
1872 Yellow Fever 1.153 9.240
3932 The Dirty Mechanics 7.359 8.545
3164 Stealth TIgers 13.196 13.553
4088 Flash4ward -1.240 4.773
1557 12 Volt Bolt 2.025 13.170
59 Ramtech 2.599 6.427
1902 Exploding Bacon 15.929 10.476
3627 The Jungle Robotics 6.358 18.842
4224 The Robo-Rays 6.924 15.216
4341 Panther Robotics 4.513 6.350
665 Motor Monkeys 3.330 9.434
190 Gompei and the H.E.R.D. 6.624 5.055
386 Team Voltage 7.907 3.995
4184 Wreck-techs 2.728 14.993
1523 Mega Awesome Robotic Systems (MARS) 20.355 11.713
744 Shark Attack 15.039 6.994
1369 Minotaur -3.073 12.179
348 Norwell Robotics 12.151 13.931
3992 Eagles Robotics Xperience 6.690 8.916
1065 The Moose 26.506 17.171

Teams Played Against

Number Nickname OPR DPR
168 Mechanical Investigation Bureau 5.073 7.277
1369 Minotaur -3.073 12.179
4341 Panther Robotics 4.513 6.350
3580 Marinerds 2.573 9.374
3627 The Jungle Robotics 6.358 18.842
4379 Greased Lightning 0.348 9.208
1251 TechTigers 15.317 -1.252
3410 MotoRobo 4.488 9.055
2425 Hydra 5.073 2.064
1592 Bionic Tigers 14.859 1.040
744 Shark Attack 15.039 6.994
1872 Yellow Fever 1.153 9.240
386 Team Voltage 7.907 3.995
79 Team Krunch 15.535 9.422
179 The Children of the Swamp 2.360 2.775
3653 BotCats 6.231 3.447
4013 Clockwork Mania -0.750 4.461
59 Ramtech 2.599 6.427
3992 Eagles Robotics Xperience 6.690 8.916
4118 Roaring Riptide 1.464 12.562
348 Norwell Robotics 12.151 13.931
1735 Green Reapers 1.860 3.972
190 Gompei and the H.E.R.D. 6.624 5.055
3520 RoboColts 5.007 13.753
801 Horsepower 20.648 8.157
4088 Flash4ward -1.240 4.773
3938 Radix Robotics 2.452 5.905
3732 The Raging Tornadoes -0.326 5.847
180 S.P.A.M. 29.136 10.297
3164 Stealth TIgers 13.196 13.553
1902 Exploding Bacon 15.929 10.476
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