warning Warning: Team 900 was inactive at this event.

Event: North Carolina Regional, Team #900


Nickname Zebracorns
OPR 5.066
DPR 19.810
Rank 0
Matches Played 0

Matches Played

Number Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Score Blue Score
43 900 1249 4767 3971 4795 3701 43 40
50 900 4369 4795 3319 1086 4534 30 44
28 900 3661 4083 4291 3845 34 0 5
19 900 3680 3270 3331 2642 587 35 72
80 3796 3229 3493 587 900 4245 21 41
59 2483 4828 2059 4824 900 4290 89 41
35 3763 4829 3506 116 3196 900 52 3
7 122 1413 4481 4816 900 2393 63 14
67 2655 4561 1225 3459 1287 900 51 77

Teams Played With

Number Nickname OPR DPR
900 Zebracorns 5.066 19.810
1249 Robo Rats 28.610 0.262
4767 C4 1.665 28.721
4369 Brick City Bots 2.898 23.085
4795 East Robotics Team 16.259 21.020
3661 RoboWolves 4.707 4.233
4083 The Iron Wolverines 2.628 -0.497
3680 Elemental Dragons 11.018 18.800
3270 CATA-BOTS 12.259 5.059
587 Hedgehogs 12.153 12.185
4245 Robo Warriors 8.969 11.255
4824 BerryBots 29.545 13.579
4290 Bots of War 6.920 7.557
116 Epsilon Delta 1.058 14.091
3196 Team SPORK 24.333 27.740
4816 Gadget Girls 2.896 11.245
2393 Robotichauns 17.060 15.141
3459 Team PyroTech 20.158 19.450
1287 Aluminum Assault 35.274 25.786

Teams Played Against

Number Nickname OPR DPR
3971 Kai Orbus 12.421 11.989
4795 East Robotics Team 16.259 21.020
3701 Royal Robotics 17.066 5.612
3319 G.R.E.A.T. (Grissom Robotics Engineering Applications Team) 28.762 14.849
1086 Blue Cheese 13.534 5.858
4534 Wired Wizards 3.867 13.275
4291 4-H 1.596 5.872
3845 Yellow Jackets -1.088 18.314
34 Rockets 9.937 16.316
3331 Tarheel Robots 4.256 1.538
2642 Pitt Pirates 36.507 19.463
587 Hedgehogs 12.153 12.185
3796 Technical Assasins 14.643 27.372
3229 Hawktimus Prime 11.709 10.826
3493 RETRO ROBOT SQUAD -6.379 13.542
2483 Clawbotz 33.171 11.445
4828 Robo Eagles 18.825 19.583
2059 The Hitchhikers 32.770 21.307
3763 4-H WildCards 10.850 22.885
4829 Titanium Tigers 12.365 2.220
3506 Yeti 18.660 -1.031
122 NASA Knights 4.498 8.452
1413 Skrappy's Zoo 58.942 -5.531
4481 The Rembrandts 4.625 23.878
2655 Flying Platypi 7.392 21.372
4561 tbd 4.365 28.730
1225 Gorillas 17.485 18.162
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