warning Warning: Team 533 was inactive at this event.

Event: SBPLI Long Island Regional, Team #533


Nickname The PSIcotics
OPR 24.601
DPR 22.436
Rank 0
Matches Played 0

Matches Played

Number Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Score Blue Score
74 533 1554 2027 569 329 3950 28 58
37 545 3171 533 871 1803 4458 48 35
14 533 28 3460 545 4856 514 142 38
81 352 527 533 1751 564 4567 41 46
52 533 4458 3624 810 2875 3137 77 73
31 1537 3171 329 601 1156 533 64 51
1 353 28 2487 3460 533 870 110 102
46 870 369 353 2347 1601 533 87 30
7 3624 601 1468 358 2161 533 80 58
5 2487 28 353 533 870 3460 90 110
21 2027 358 352 263 533 1546 20 58
60 2869 496 1468 533 1796 1537 60 50
9 353 28 2487 870 533 3460 109 96

Teams Played With

Number Nickname OPR DPR
533 The PSIcotics 24.601 22.436
1554 Oceanside Sailors 11.948 10.386
2027 Rayout 3.110 24.437
545 ROBO-DAWGS 17.483 23.006
3171 P.R.I.D.E 9.453 6.262
28 Pierson Whalers 52.048 19.984
3460 Brentwood Indians 26.008 -6.163
352 The Green Machine 1.326 16.376
527 Dragons 28.731 17.180
4458 Red Devils 24.375 17.558
3624 ThunderColts 28.045 12.086
601 Baybots 14.939 23.615
1156 Under Control 8.473 14.798
870 TEAM R. I. C. E. 19.501 23.700
2347 Metal Mercs 4.931 28.652
1601 QS1601 0.512 6.716
358 Robotic Eagles 36.981 18.321
2161 Robocats 1.270 30.730
263 Sachem Aftershock 10.690 8.700
1546 Chaos, Inc. 22.657 21.205
1796 RoboTigers 31.594 7.701
1537 Robotic Knights 2.414 35.088

Teams Played Against

Number Nickname OPR DPR
569 Rambots 30.791 25.651
329 Raiders 42.167 -0.066
3950 Robo Gym 12.898 12.938
871 Robotechs 15.851 27.545
1803 Vikings 2.698 4.772
4458 Red Devils 24.375 17.558
545 ROBO-DAWGS 17.483 23.006
4856 Double X -1.017 35.519
514 Miller Place Robotics 42.254 24.197
1751 The Warriors 13.637 8.155
564 Digital Impact -0.399 11.811
4567 Seaford Vikings 16.125 20.078
810 The Mechanical Bulls 8.444 9.122
2875 CyberHawks 37.216 20.337
3137 T-Birds 29.503 28.629
1537 Robotic Knights 2.414 35.088
3171 P.R.I.D.E 9.453 6.262
353 POBots 28.505 10.373
28 Pierson Whalers 52.048 19.984
2487 Mechanical Animals 16.583 4.348
870 TEAM R. I. C. E. 19.501 23.700
369 High Voltage 44.804 11.271
3624 ThunderColts 28.045 12.086
601 Baybots 14.939 23.615
1468 Hicksville J-Birds 31.461 17.799
2027 Rayout 3.110 24.437
358 Robotic Eagles 36.981 18.321
352 The Green Machine 1.326 16.376
2869 Regal Eagles 4.489 16.476
496 Royals 10.117 9.645
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