Event: Colorado Regional, Team #399


Nickname Eagle Robotics
OPR 22.594
DPR 8.314
Rank 2
Matches Played 11

Matches Played

Number Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Score Blue Score
41 2996 1583 399 2341 1799 4386 57 19
9 399 1619 159 4072 4387 3510 48 6
13 2996 3807 399 3172 662 1764 33 24
27 1977 399 1339 1764 1619 2996 23 52
18 399 1303 1799 1410 3200 2259 26 33
5 3807 399 2996 4388 2945 2036 45 13
1 399 2996 3807 4388 2945 2036 21 13
19 3807 399 2996 1245 159 1158 44 43
66 399 4293 4386 2352 1977 1157 21 12
20 3807 399 2996 1158 1245 159 52 72
21 3807 399 2996 1245 1158 159 35 14
15 3807 399 2996 662 3172 1764 37 21
35 1691 4388 662 399 3703 3648 14 15
84 3403 2945 2036 1158 3510 399 19 29
56 4068 2275 1584 399 4387 3172 9 53
3 932 4388 1619 1789 399 1410 6 29
80 3172 1332 1245 399 662 1764 23 36
61 2240 3643 1361 399 3729 1691 3 20

Teams Played With

Number Nickname OPR DPR
2996 Cougars Gone Wired 22.704 5.106
1583 Ridge View Academy Rambotics 4.597 2.798
399 Eagle Robotics 22.594 8.314
1619 Up-A-Creek Robotics 2.151 2.847
159 Alpine Robotics 10.752 4.174
3807 Blazerbots 2.560 2.789
1977 Loveland High Robotics 7.631 5.743
1339 AngelBotics 3.013 5.996
1303 WYOHAZARD 0.986 3.317
1799 predators -1.369 11.848
4293 YEA! 0.360 4.284
4386 Mecha-maniacs 3.439 4.115
3703 MechSperts -2.913 6.956
3648 Sparta Robotica -0.858 6.724
1158 The Corps 19.942 3.257
3510 Tectronic -4.688 8.392
4387 TBD 5.292 1.872
3172 HorsePOWER 3.998 3.690
1789 Cliffhangers 2.229 6.235
1410 GWHS Robotics 11.726 8.159
662 Rocky Mountain Robotics 8.477 1.252
1764 Liberty Robotics 11.741 5.009
3729 The Raiders 3.872 -0.073
1691 EaglesBots -4.619 2.847

Teams Played Against

Number Nickname OPR DPR
2341 Sprockets 11.540 2.722
1799 predators -1.369 11.848
4386 Mecha-maniacs 3.439 4.115
4072 Daemon Robotics 4.017 13.525
4387 TBD 5.292 1.872
3510 Tectronic -4.688 8.392
3172 HorsePOWER 3.998 3.690
662 Rocky Mountain Robotics 8.477 1.252
1764 Liberty Robotics 11.741 5.009
1619 Up-A-Creek Robotics 2.151 2.847
2996 Cougars Gone Wired 22.704 5.106
1410 GWHS Robotics 11.726 8.159
3200 Raptacon 6.446 5.905
2259 1/4 Twenties 4.755 7.105
4388 Ridgebotics 10.021 7.305
2945 B.A.N.G. 3.308 2.403
2036 The Black Knights 1.125 5.050
1245 MoHi Shazbots 2.721 4.260
159 Alpine Robotics 10.752 4.174
1158 The Corps 19.942 3.257
2352 Metal Mayhem 6.225 4.069
1977 Loveland High Robotics 7.631 5.743
1157 Landsharks 4.395 -0.962
1691 EaglesBots -4.619 2.847
3403 Cyber Wolf Robotics 4.239 6.646
4068 Aperture Robotics 2.078 3.119
2275 Bello Bots -0.379 6.598
1584 Pirates 2.070 4.572
932 Circuit Chargers 5.122 7.300
1332 Swift 12.789 3.757
2240 Brute Force 5.695 7.413
3643 Thunderbots 6.594 3.419
1361 Nightmare Robotics 2.869 3.946
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